cyndi ruehl
50 years! Am I really that old! I can't believe it.
I found out about the reunion from Dave Kline. He is the only classmate I have stayed in touch with but would like to reconnect with more. Feel free to email me or call. And if ever you are in the central AZ desert, look me up.
I will not be attending the reunion, but ya'll have a blast without me.
I have been a desertrat for some 50 years now (with stints in the Ozarks, the Grand Canyon, New Hampshire, Penn State) but the blue skies and wide open spaces always call me back to the desert. So much so that I went back to school at 50 to become a desert ecologist .Now retired : hiking, eating desert plants, painting and learning to become a grandmother for the first time.
Doing alot of volunteer work for the forest service and always a land conservation activist.
Still single after one marriage ending 22 years ago! Still looking!
Have a great life...what's left.
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